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姓名:陈轩政治面貌:民建出生年月:1983.2 民族:汉族

硕/博导:博导 职称:教授


















学术期刊匿名评审,包括American Journal of Agricultural Economics,Agricultural Economics, Aquaculture Economics and Management, China Agricultural Economic Review,Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics,Forest Policy and Economics,International Journal of Financial Studies,Sustainability, Aquaculture and Fisheries,Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting


项目1:Wildfires in the Rocky Mountains Region: Current and Future Impacts on PM2.5, Health, and Policy,

项目来源、经费:U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, $787,298, (美国环保署)

时间:2015 -2018.

角色: Co-Investigator

项目2:Determining the Current Cost of Producing Milk in Maine 2013,

项目来源、经费:State of Maine, Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry, Maine Milk Commission, $28,390, (美国缅因州农业部)


角色: Principal Investigator

项目3:Evaluating risk profile and financial performance of various types of agricultural and natural resource operations in Maine,

项目来源、经费:Maine Agriculture and Forestry Research Station, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, US Department of Agriculture, ME021603(美国农业部)

时间:2015 - 2020.

角色: Principal Investigator

项目4:Understanding Spatio-Temporally Correlated Risks of Contagious Hazards in Maine Crop Production and Designing Associated Financial Instruments for Farmers,

项目来源、经费:Maine Agriculture and Forestry Research Station, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, US Department of Agriculture, ME021419, (美国农业部)


角色: Principal Investigator

项目5:Maine EPSCoR: The Nexus of Coastal Social{Environmental Systems and Sustainable Ecological Aquaculture,

项目来源、经费:Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR), National Science Foundation, #IIA-1355457, $20,000,000, (美国国家科学基金)

时间:2014- 2019

角色: Co-Investigator

项目6:Specialty Crops and Food Systems: Exploring Markets, Supply Chains and Policy", Multi-State Program,

项目来源、经费:National Institute of Food and Agriculture, US Department of Agriculture, ME031619, (美国农业部)

时间:2015 - 2020.

角色: Co-Investigator




Chen, X. #*, Goodwin, B., & Prestemon, J. (2014) “Is Timber Insurable? A Study of Wildfire Risks in the U.S. Forest Sector Using Spatio–Temporal Models”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 96(1), 213–231.

Chen, X. #*, Goodwin, B., & Prestemon, J. (2018) “How to Fight Against Southern Pine Beetle Epidemics: An Insurance Approach”, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, DOI: 10.1111/cjag.12186

Evans, K. #*, Chen, X. & Robichaud, C. (2017) “A Hedonic Analysis of the Impact of Marine Aquaculture on Coastal Housing Prices in Maine”, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 46(2), 242-267

Scuderi, B. #*, & Chen, X. (2018) “Assessing Price Integration and Trade Policy in the U.S. Catfish Market”, Aquaculture Economics and Management, 22(1): 112-130. (指导研究生发表)

Scuderi, B.#*, & Chen, X. (2019) “Production Efficiency in New England’s Oyster Aquaculture Industry”, Aquaculture Economics and Management, DOI: 10.1080/13657305.2018.1449272 (指导研究生发表)

Evans, K. #*, Athearn, K., Chen, X. & Bell, K. (2016) “Measuring the Impact of Pollution Closures on Commercial Shellfish Harvest: the Case of Soft–shell Clams in Machias Bay, Maine”, Ocean and Coastal Management 130: 196-204.

Chen, X. #, Bouchard, D. *, & Anderson, G. (2018), “How Effective Is A Dairy Relief Program? Evaluating Maine’s Tier Payment Program Using A Simulation Approach”, Sustainability, 10(10), 3514

Chen, X. #*, Chen, J., & Huang, C. (2019) “Too Risky to Focus on Agriculture? An Empirical Study of Chinese Agricultural Households’ Off–Farm Employment Decisions”, Sustainability, 11(3),697

Asarea, E. #*, Drummond, F., Hoshide, A., Criner, G., & Chen, X. (2017) “Economic Risk of Bee Pollination in Maine Wild Blueberry, Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton”, Journal of Economic Entomology, Volume 110, Issue 5: 1980-1992

Chen, X. #*, Yarborough, D., & Cote, J. (2017) “Wild Blueberry Systems Approach: Economic and Risk Analysis”, Acta Horticulturae, 1180:143-150

Chen, X. #*, Anderson, G., Bouchard, D.*, McGuire, J.*, Criner, G., & Marcinkowski, D. (2016) “Costs of Producing Milk in Maine: Results from the 2013 Cost–of–Production Survey”, Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station Technical Bulletin: 854.


Chen, X. & Chen, J., “Assessing Off-farm Employment Decisions: A Theoretical Model and An Empirical Study of China's Agricultural Households", Proceeding of China Agricultural Economic Review 10th Annual Meeting with IFPRI

Chen, X. & Vuong, N., “Climate and Off-farm Labor Supply of Agricultural Households: Evidence from Rural Vietnam ", Collection of Agricultural and Applied Economics Association 2018 Annual Meeting, https://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/236262

Chen, X., Chen, J., & Huang, C., “Assessing Off-farm Employment Decisions of Rural Households in China", Collection of Agricultural and Applied Economics Association 2016 Annual Meeting, https://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/236262

Chen, X. & Scuderi, B., “Evaluating the Substitutability and Market Integration between Domestic and Imported Catfish", Collection of Agricultural and Applied Economics Association 2016 Annual Meeting, https://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/235550

Chen, X. & Goodwin, B. K., “Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Lightning Fires on Forestland: A Compensation Scheme", Collection of Agricultural and Applied Economics Association 2013 Annual Meeting, https://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/151285

Chen, X. & Goodwin, B. K., “Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Wildfire Risks in the U.S. Forest Sector", Collection of Agricultural and Applied Economics Association 2011 Annual Meeting, https://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/103628




